Catholic Community
Our Team
Pastoral Staff

Fr. Derek Wiechmann,
Pastor, SA, HS, & CCNC

Fr. John Paul Igbokwe,
Sacramental Minister, SA, HS, & CCNC
ACC Deacons: Vern Schmitz, Frank Ringsmuth, Richard Scheierl, John Wocken & Mike Benda
Ministry Staff

Philip Shefveland,
Director of Discipleship & Evangelization, ACC
Campus Ministry Director, CCNC​
Stacy Ellens,
Music Director, CCNC & HS
Andrew Tolman
Coordinator of Youth & Family Ministry
Melanie Solland
Coordinator of Middle School Faith Formation
Office Assistant, CCNC
Kevin LaNave,
Peace & Social Justice Coordinator, CCNC
Jessie Johnson,
Visitation Ministry, SA


Operations Staff
Janice Wuebkers,
Business Manager, SA, HS, & CCNC
Nathan Schmitt
Office Manager/Finance Assistant
Heather Schmitt
Office Assistant, HS
Linda Paulson,
Office Assistant, SA
Kevin Eisenschenk
Grounds & Maintenance, SA
Linda Buckentine
Grounds & Maintenance, SA
Mike Spaniol
Grounds & Maintenance, HS
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Peer Ministry Staff
Liz Turner
Ryan Neumann
Anne Howard
Jacob Vogel